Be the Best Version of You
The power of touch is profound and is the first sense we acquire. For long-term wellness, touch is as important as food and security. It is fundamental to the human experience. We need touch. Touch is a language, and listening can be profoundly connecting, healing and soothing.
Massage Therapy can be a powerful tool to help you take charge of your health and well-being. Throughout history massage has been used to improve recovery time, restore energy, manage stress, ease body aches and is best known for its relaxation benefits. A relaxed nervous system means that hormone production balances.
Additional benefits include skin cells health, removing of toxins, increased blood flow benefits, tissue regeneration, which may help reduce the appearance of scars and stretch marks. Massage Therapy also supports improvements in immune system's functionality and circulation by assisting oxygen filled nutrients to reach tissues and organs.
I combine massage with my intuitive ability to feel where and how the treatment will best benefit.
There are many energy fields that surround you day in and day out weather you are consciously aware of them or not. In the west we were not necessarily brought up and educated on these fields however on a subtle level most of us cannot deny the important role they serve in our physical lives.
The first layer is your physical body - the body that you can touch and see reflected in a mirror.
Your second energetic layer or aura, is located approximately one quarter to one half an inch from the physical body. The aura is also referred to as the etheric energy body known as the blueprint or holograph of the physical body.
The third layer of your energy field is the Emotional Energy Body. Centrally located among the five layers this body is the keeper of our feelings. This layer can be quite unsettled when we are experiencing extreme high and low emotions.
The fourth layer is The Mental Energy Body. It is the mental layer where our ideas come from. Our belief systems are also stored here. This is where our thoughts are assimilated and sorted out. In this layer, our personal truths, or our perceptions based on our experiences are housed, and how we view the world around us.
The Spiritual Energy Body is our fifth layer. The spiritual layer of the human energy field is the final layer. It has been said to be the place where our "consciousness" or "higher awareness" resides.
In addition to these energy fields we have 7 main energy centers often referred to as Chakras. The word chakra is derived from the Sanskrit word meaning wheel.
Each chakra vibrates or rotates at a different speed. Each chakra is stimulated by its own complimentary color. The chakra colors are of the rainbow; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The size and brightness of the wheels vary with individual development, physical condition, energy levels, disease, or stress.
Keeping your energy centers cleared and balanced is very important to maintain health and vitality. If the chakras are not balanced, or if the energies are blocked, the basic life force will be slowed down. You may feel listless, tired, out of sorts, or depressed. When physical bodily functions are affected diseases may manifest. Our thought processes and mind may also be affected by blockages and imbalances. A negative attitude, fear, doubt, etc. may preoccupy the individual when there are disturbances being ignored in the energetic field.
A constant balance between the chakras promotes health and a sense of well being to help you tap into your personal power and increase your energy levels. The clearing of energy can also help keep a balanced mind and body connection. If the chakras are opened to much, a person could literally short circuit themselves with too much universal energy going through the body. If the chakras are closed, this does not allow for the universal energy to flow through them properly which may lead to disease. Most of us react to unpleasant experiences by blocking our feelings and stopping the natural energy flow. Watch where your hands go when you are feeling hurt, scared or joyous. The body is always communicating with you. It is a beautiful language built in for all of us.
Our bodies are like rechargeable batteries using the Earth and the Universe to recharge. We have a constant flow of energy from our feet to our minds.
Humans are, at the core, actually vibrating in unique electromagnetic waves. All physical health problems, emotional disturbances, and financial issues are related to energy blocks or imbalances. Science has shown proof in theory that health issues start on an energetic level with a stressor which can block this flow of energy. Emotional and mental stresses are huge blocks to our own personal growth and development. This block can work its way into the body and causes a disturbance, which can lead to major health issues.
We have all experienced emotional traumas in our lives on some level, usually from childhood, that tend to linger in our lives. Energy Work can help you free yourself from some of these patterns. By breaking through energetic blocks the body’s inherent ability to heal itself is stimulated. Every person has the ability to improve themselves, feel healthy and lead a better life. On a soul level this practice can help release old stories, stuck energy and trauma. When you heal by releasing stuck emotions more of your own light can shine through. Clearing soul blocks, unhealthy feeling and thought patterns, your personal vibration increases. By increasing your vibration you increase the vibration around you and that is where the magic starts.
Being balanced energetically, increases your ability to stay positive and see life from a different point of view. This positive outlook wards off depression and allows the body to relax and maintain harmony, addressing potential problems before they develop into energetic blockages. I have seen great improvement with clients who suffer from migraines and anxiety.
As an energy channel I allow divine light to come in and work through me as a conduit. I am guided where energy needs to be directed, released, restored, balanced as well as removal of energetic blocks and attachments. I often work with oils, smudging tools, stones, shells, color frequencies and crystals as energetic facilitators.
Energy Medicine is incredibly powerful and transformational.
"When the higher flows into the lower, it transforms the nature of the lower to the higher." - Meister Eckhart
I am incredibly grateful to share this work with you.
Short and sweet to meet the most basic needs. Recommended if you are short on time or curious if our time together will benefit you and your healing journey.
Session will be customized to meet massage and energetic needs. Typically 40 minutes of hands on massage work accompanied by 20 minutes of energy work/clearing and balancing.
This will give us all the time we need to enjoy a full one hour massage and give extra attention and care to anything that comes up during the session. Complete bliss!
If you are seeking guidance on developing your most authentic life we can take a closer look at your souls needs. This session will start out with an energetic assessment, discussion of intentions and a plan of implementing tools and techniques that can be used daily to assist with self transformation.
Create a custom session.
Not only do our bodies need attention energetically, so do our spaces and homes. As the earth gravitates so do energy lines around us on the physical plan. Sometimes these energy lines or groupings can create an irritable environment without even realizing it.
Even our day to day activities can snag unwanted energy brining it right into the home or space. An energetic cleansing with tools and intension can clear away disturbances restoring balance and flow.
Pricing dependent on size of space.
"It helps to see your life as a spiritual journey disguised as a physical experience." - Caroline Myss, Sacred Contracts
"The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of the state of your mind". - Wayne Dyer
"Don't rush through the experiences and circumstances that have the most capacity to transform you". -Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic
Darcy has helped me celebrate my triumphs and figure out ways to handle my shortfalls and anxieties. For that, I will be forever grateful.
Darcy provided me with very useful feedback. She was able to answer a few questions that I had been pondering for literally years, but was too self-conscious to ask them or explore why I had those questions.
I feel like I have been set free. She was been able to provide me with some necessary tools to continue to assist myself as well as share with others, which is just one more thing I love about her. Darcy is happy to spread and share her gifts to as many people as possible and encourages everyone to spread the wealth.
I would recommend that anyone spends some time with Darcy because she will change your life.
What an amazing experience!! I was at a crossroads and facing a block in my personal life that I could not seem to overcome. Within less than a week after my first session with Darcy numerous events took place, which were the exact situations I was not allowing to happen. Not only did I leave my first session having the negative feelings and energy released to help remove this block, I continue to leave each session with a sense of balance and clarity. The whole experience has been truly remarkable!
Disclaimer: Energy Medicine or any other techniques mentioned on this website or used during your sessions are NOT substitute for seeking professional medical or psychological healthcare advice. The term energy work is not intended to represent that energy work is used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any emotional or medical problems. Practitioners of energy medicine are not diagnosing or treating the physical body, but instead are working with the energetic body & fields.
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